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Charlie Crist, who most of us thought was doing a pretty good job as Florida’s Governor, has just signed a bill into law that allows more than 500,000 of Florida’s concealed-weapons permit holders to carry guns to work.  However, they must keep them locked in their cars.  This was totally expected and everyone presumed the law would be enacted – especially after Florida’s “no duty to retreat” law a while back.  This act of the Governor comes almost one year to the day after the Virginia Tech tragedy – where a mentally ill student gunned down more than 30 students in a classroom building on campus.  This week, ABC Nightline reported a story about how a grassroots movement promoted by VT students is seeking to allow students the right to carry concealed weapons on campus. 

With respect to the recent law passed in Florida, I understand that people want to exercise their second amendment right to bear arms (even though carrying around a concealed handgun to work and on college campuses probably does not reflect the intention of our founding fathers).  What about the right of an employer to protect and control his or her business?  What about the government and individual interest in public safety?  But, in today’s world, with terrorist attacks, wars, and drug-related violence, putting more guns out into society is not the answer.  After all, if you need your gun at work to protect yourself, what good is it going to do when it is locked up in your car?

Full Article:,0,1947863.story

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