If you are the victim of a dog bite, it can be quite a terrifying experience, even if the wound is not serious. It is important to remain calm if you or a loved one is attacked.
First, be sure that the animal is contained and you and any other victims are safe from further attack. Even if a dog appears to have backed off, animals are unpredictable, and the dog could very well launch into another attack. Immediately seek any medical attention, call 911. Let medical experts determine the severity of your injury.
Try to get the names and contact information of any potential witnesses, as well as the owner of the dog. These details could be important in the future. Take photos of the bite and any other injured areas on your body. Take more photos than you think you may need. Make sure the lighting is good and make sure your face is visible in at least some of the photos.
Try not to panic or immediately place blame. If possible, find out if the dog has been vaccinated or has any medical conditions of diseases. The more information you have for physicians the better off you are. Contact an attorney before speaking with police or investigators to ensure your rights are protected.
Wooten, Kimbrough & Normand, P.A.—Orlando personal injury attorneys.
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