Trying to locate amusement ride injury information is quite possibly one of the hardest things to do. I should know. By thinking outside of the box, I was able to track 838 amusement ride injuries in 2010.
Thinking outside of the box meant obtaining information without the assistance of the amusement industry or the state agencies in charge of regulating amusement rides.
It is the awareness factor a report like this generates, which translates into a safety conscious consumer. A safety conscious consumer is better for business — plain and simple.
Amusement Safety Organization’s 2010 amusement ride injury report.
Wayne Parsons
Thanks for this resource Jason. you certainly live and work in the heart of amusement ride country. We don't have much in Hawaii but we love to do to Disneyland and Disneyworld. Any tips for travelers about what to watch out for before getting on one of these rides?
Jason Herrera
Thank you for the reply, Mr. Parsons. Posted some tips last year, which still hold true today.
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