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Did you also know they can be a nightmare for pedestrians? For the second time this year a 4 year-old child has died on a Florida beach in Volusia County. Not from drowning, but from being struck by a car.

Driving on Florida beaches is a phenomonon that has been going on since before there were automobiles. There are historical pictures of horse and buggies driving on the beach. Well, it was probably pretty safe back then and maybe even in the 1950’s when automobiles started driving on the beach. But what about now?

According to the Daytona Beach News-Journal, there were over 900,000 cars or trucks on the beach in Volusia County between February and November 2009 on only a 17 mile stretch of beach. That’s a lot of cars per mile.

Tourism is a major part of the Volusia County’s economy, so when will County officials make safety of their tourists their number one priority?

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