19-year-old Joshua Ritter faces two counts of vehicular homicide and one charge of driving recklessly following a tragic car accident last February, according to Sun-Sentinel.com. Ritter surrendered to Volusia County Police on November 1.
Ritter is accused of causing the wrongful death of Hunter Perez of Orange City and Carlos Velazco of DeBary, both 18-years-old. The three young men were reportedly ‘car surfing’—Velazco was riding on the exterior of the vehicle while Ritter drove. Velazco was holding onto a car door and lost his grip when the car began to crash.
“He ended up in a ditch and was airlifted for medical treatment, but was pronounced dead at the hospital,” said Volusia County Sherriff’s spokesman Gary Davidson. Another person was riding on the rear bumper but was able to hop off to safety. After the car crashed, Ritter and another passenger in the front seat were able to escape from the car. Perez was killed in the backseat after the Nissan Xtera burst into flames.
There is a video, captured on a cell phone that recorded the incident right up until the time of the crash. It is evidence that the prosecution will use against Ritter. The car was traveling 67 mph in a 35 mph zone as the passengers were ‘car-surfing.’
“One portion of the video even showed the speedometer hovering around 80 mph,” says Davidson. “Prior to the crash, according to investigators, the five teens drove up and down Fort Florida Road, changing positions and taking turns riding on the exterior of the vehicle.”
Do you think two count of homicide is an appropriate charge for Ritter? Although this was an accident, was he so grossly negligent that he warrants these charges?
Wooten, Kimbrough & Normand, P.A.—Orlando person injury attorneys
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