We all get a little down now and then about our appearance and shape, especially in the buttocks. You know it sometimes gets a bit saggy and droopy and we want better. Some folks hire a personal trainer, some diet; others look for a quicker remedy. To the rescue came a plastic surgeon in New Jersey who (perhaps after watching an episode of Home Improvement) devised a brilliant plan: "why not use caulk, ya know Home Depot kind of caulk? After all, it sure does a job on that drywall!"
So, no lie, the surgeon injected his patients with a concoction of silicone, petroleum jelly and hardware-grade caulk. I guess the plan was that he could internally apply the sticky stuff to glue the buttock higher up the backside. Turns out the plan was not so brilliant after all: so far, six women have been hospitalized after getting seriously ill from the injections. Now as much as I blame this bad surgeon one has to wonder about the wisdom of succumbing to the injections in the first place. For starters, it may be an imposter surgeon operating without a license (the authorities are on the look out for him). A big clue to that was that he was doing the procedures out of hotel rooms in the Newark, New Jersey area.
Remember, while we all want a Super Booty, try the gym and diet first. If that fails, protect yourself from bad surgeons (real or imposters). Check out the surgeon’s qualifications and track record with the local state medical board before you sign up for any surgery. Ask for proof of qualifications in the procedure recommended and make sure that the surgeon is a specialist in that area of practice. With cosmetic surgery, look for Certification by the surgeon from the American Board of Plastic Surgery or Dermatology before undergoing the medical procedure. Additionally, you can research the procedure yourself online before it is performed. The FDA website is a good place to find information about any drug or hardware store supplement before it is injected into your body. If the surgeon won’t disclose the drug seek a second opinion. Finally if the surgeon operates out of a hotel room, run away fast!
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