The US Supreme Court decision upholding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) on June 28, 2012, could lead to significant improvements for many of the clients we represent. Consider a few of these provisions in the ACA:
- Insurance companies can no longer place lifetime limits on the coverage they provide. This will make a world of difference for victims with traumatic brain injuries or other catastrophic injuries who can often be forced into bankruptcy because of skyrocketing out-of-pocket costs. According to US government’s website for health reform, this will help 8.8 million Florida residents with private insurance.
- Insurance companies will also be forbidden from denying coverage because of a pre-existing condition. This affects a number of families with children who have suffered birth injuries such as cerebral palsy or developmental delays. The insurance companies will also be forbidden from dropping coverage after an individual becomes sick.
- The ACA also requires health insurers offering new plans to adopt an appeals process that makes it easy for enrollees to dispute the denial of a medical claim.
The ACA has the potential to help scores of personal injury victims in ways that were previously difficult or even impossible. In addition to helping ensure that people hurt in car accidents or on the job have access to medical care, this legislation will also make it so these victims no longer have to worry about the injuries they sustain becoming reasons for them to lose coverage.
The ACA has certainly been a fierce political battle, and while we know that there still remains work to be done in implementing this plan, we believe that a number of these provisions will immediately help millions of injury victims and their families. If you or a loved one has been suffered a severe injury as the result of another party’s negligence, contact our firm to see how our Orlando personal injury lawyers may be able to help.
Wooten, Kimbrough & Normand, P.A. – Orlando personal injury attorneys
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