When CNN reported on July 23, 2012 that the number of traffic crash fatalities in the first months of 2012 had increased 13.5 percent from the same quarter in 2011, both the National Highway...
A 33-year-old construction worker whose wife was out of town had consumed three Miller Lite beers in 90 minutes the night of July 2, 2012. Later that night, his Dodge Ram struck a stopped...
Authorities say 22-year-old Demetrius Jordan had been smoking marijuana and drinking a caffeinated alcoholic drink called “Four-Loko” the night in August 2010 that he ran a red...
Dave Crenshaw is an author and speaker whose first book was entitled, “The Myth of Multitasking: How ‘Doing It All’ Gets Nothing Done.” The video above featuring...
This is the typical scenario:
A person is involved in an accident.
That person is injured.
The injured person calls a lawyer referral service.
The referral service...
David Teater is the senior director of Transportation Initiatives at the National Safety Council (NSC), and in the video above, he explains how organizations can implement cell phone...
Mock DUI crashes, like the one in the video above, are a powerful way that high schools throughout Florida and across the country get the point...
I hear the same stories over and over again,” Jim Gladstone says in the video above. Gladstone is the president of West Coast ABATE of Florida, a non-profit organization that promotes...
This video from the New York Times was part of a December 2009 story about deadly accidents in highway work zones around the country. The segment above begins with the story of a 42-year-old...
This video released last year by the Collier County Sheriff’s Office shows a number of motorists who either ignored or did not see red lights and caused a number of near accidents....