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As we prepare to face hurricane season in Florida, many folks have been left without homeowners insurance options. Insurance companies have decided to no longer provide insurance to Florida homeowners or the rates have increased dramatically for Florida residents.

Gov. Charlie Crist and Florida lawmakers are getting the big insurance savings they sought ? but not necessarily for homeowners.

The debate over homeowners insurance continues in Tallahassee.

What do you need to know regarding your homeowners insurance policy? Well for one you should locate your policy and carefully review the declarations page. This page is usually a good summary of what your coverage and deductibles are for each type of loss covered by your policy. You should review your policy with your insurance agent and make sure you understand it and that your agent answers all your questions and fully addresses all of your concerns. Some of the key things questions to ask yourself are:

1. What is the actual cost of replacing my home? Am I insured for that amount already? Do I need to increase that amount?

2. What is my current deductible for loss? Is the deductible different if the damage is caused by a hurricane? What is my hurricane deductible? If my home were to be damaged by a hurricane, could I afford to pay that deductible? or am I better off paying more in premiums for a lower deductible?

3. What items in my home and/ or what kind of damage to my home is excluded from coverage?

This is the time to review your insurance polices and stay on top of what is going on in Tallahassee.

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